1. The Harbor - Leaders Mentality (Critical Thinking Sheet)
On the reverse complete #2
2.Written paragraph outlining:
a. Why you joined Leadership?
b. What you would like to see in Leadership class this year?
c. What strengths do you possess as a leader (ie: communication, punctuality, passion, organization etc.)
d. Ideas for a Legacy Project 2018/19:
- Each year the MSS Leadership class will work on a legacy project....something that will be here at MSS long after you leave. This is a way for each year's Leadership class to make a lasting impact on our school
1. Complete the Harbor reflection sheet for "Core Values".
Assignment #3
Leadership Assignment
Complete question #1 and #2 and then do the exercise. Complete sentences.
Question #1: How do you define leadership?
Question #2: List a leader that you admire. Why? What qualities do they have that make them ‘stand out’?
Exercise - Leadership Myths
For each of the following statements, consider the following questions.
· Is this a true statement? Why or why not?
· Who told you this statement was true?
1. Leadership is a rare skill.
2. Leaders are born not made.
3. Leaders are charismatic.
4. Leadership exists only at the top of an organization.
5. The leader controls, directs, prods, manipulates others.
Once you have completed the above exercise…
· Go online and research each point. For example is “leadership a rare skill”. What does your research say… Is leadership a rare skill? Or something else.