Term 4 Assignments/Journals

1. Grade 9 Orientation Reflection
Reflect on the recent grade 9 orientation day that we hosted.
What role did you play?
What did you find most enjoyable about your role? Challenges?
What worked well, what could be improved on for next year?
What feedback, if any did you hear from the grade 9's who attended?

2. Colour Run - Cops for Cancer
Give this event a grade out of 10.
What role did you play in organizing or the execution of this event?
What were some positives in the organization/execution of the event?
What are some aspects of this event that could be improved for next year?
What are some concrete solutions to make these changes successful?

3. Critical Thinking:  Distracted
Answer questions 1-5 plus on the back of the sheet...Do you agree with Mike Smith?  Why or why not?  Would you honestly be able to not use your phone for two days?  Why or why not?