1. Harbor Reflection Sheet and Video - Scott Backovich
2. Harbor Reflection Sheet and Video - Activism
3. Community Service Assignment - "Giving of Yourself": Community Service
- What does 'giving of yourself'' mean?
- What is community service?
- List three community services in Mission?
- List and explain three ideas Leadership could do to contribute to the Mission community.
4. Respond to the following question.
Service is an integral part of developing Leadership capacity. Possibly one of the most important Leadership qualities is selflessness. Discuss how you were of service to others, your motivations for serving others, what you "got" out of the experience(s), and how does this concept (being of service/offering service to others) affect your interactions/activities with others. You may include both in school and outside of school examples. If you attended the Christmas Dinner please reference your experience at this event. Remember no act of service is too small....we never know the impact our actions may have on someone else.
5. The term Self Reflection as explained in the course outline.
6. Volunteer Hours/Class Log
Term 2 Doutangs are due Friday January 18, 2019
(late/incomplete duotangs will not be accepted for Term 2 assessment and will result in a mark of 40%)